First off, as you can see… I have put up a new theme! It was made by Tathy of Night & Day Designs, and I hope you like it as much as I do 😀
Second, the photos pages have moved into the series galleries – so TOS photos are now in the TOS gallery, TNG photos in the TNG gallery and DS9 photos in the DS9 gallery.
Third, I’m really getting excited about that TNG Bluray sampler disc Star Trek: The Next Generation — The Next Level. The comparisons I’ve been looking at TrekCore, even though not HD, show just how big an improvement it will be in image quality. The last time I rewatched season 1, I was really disgusted how awful the DVD image looked 🙁 January 31st can’t get here fast enough! The sampler will hold the pilot “The Encounter At Farpoint”, and 2 other episodes: “Sins of the Father” and “The Inner Light”, with season release following later. I’m not clear on though – are they going to release season by season, or one big seven 7 box? I thought first I heard only big seven season box, but I might be remembering wrong.